What is the best shoe choice?
The course is on a mix of dirt road and runnable mountain bike trails. Our suggestion is trail shoes, however, you could also run in road shoes with some care through the single track sections (particularly if wet)
How hard will the loop be?
The 6.7km course is very runnable with approximately 95m of elevation per lap. If you can run/walk 10km's in under 80-90 minutes, we expect that you can complete this course in under 1 hour.
Will it be hot/wet/humid?
Weather conditions in Cairns in October is usually hot with the possibility of rain (though usually drier than Summer). Average maximum temp in October is 29 degrees and average minimum temp is 21 degrees. Hydration and sun protection is particularly important for this event!
Do I need my own gazebo?
No. There will be lots of space for runners to set up a 3mx3m gazebo for in between laps. But we will also be providing a a communal gazebo for runners to use.
What aid will be provided?
On the course there will be a water station that runners will pass 3 times on the course. There will also be an aid station in the event precinct with a selection of water, SFuels Race+ electrolyte drink, fruit (eg. banana, orange, watermelon), bars, lollies, biscuits etc. There will also be a "charging station" for devices and kettle for hot water.
Is there an age minimum or maximum?
There is no age maximum for any of the events. The minimum age for Smurf's BYU and the Mini Backyard is 10 years (under 18's must have a parent or guardian present while running). The minimum age for the Speedy Smurf is 8 years of age
Are spectators welcome at Smurf's BYU?
Absolutely! The more the merrier. But please no pets
Do I need to worry about fauna/flora
You don't need to "worry", but you do need to be "aware. Mosquito repellant is highly recommended (particularly if wet) and you may come across the occasional snake on the course. But we have a medical team onsite and runners will be required to carry a snake bandage. Runners are required to stay on the trail and this will help you avoid any dangerous fauna and flora.
What about running at night?
Night time loops may be a little slower through the single track section. However, all runners will be required to have a head-torch. The course will be marked with reflective taper and LED lights where required. There will also be a "tail bike" and marshals at the far water station for your safety.
Will my friends be able to track me?
There won't be "live tracking", but we will update the results list with "DNF's" every lap and update our social media channels as often as possible.
What equipment do I need?
It depends on how long you plan to run. As a minimum, we suggest a chair, esky and run gear/nutrition. If running longer, you can set up a 3mx3m gazebo with all sorts of equipment!
Is the BYU just for fast runners?
Absolutely not. Everyone can compete!! And if you are unsure, enter the Mini Smurf BYU as a taster.
Will the event sell out?
Possibly. We can cater for a maximum 250 entries across Smurf's BYU and the Mini Backyard.
Is there camping?
No, there is no camping at Smurf's BYU. But there is many accommodation options nearby whether on the Northern Beaches of Cairns or in Cairns itself.